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Recent News

Here we will show the most recent updates that have occurred and show how the schools are progressing

Kins Favour 

We have successfully installed our school management software solution, which has increased revenues at Kins Favour allowing them to access finance with our micro-finance partner, Ed Partners Africa. With this they have built a new block of classrooms, whilst achieving their strongest ever results in the Kenyan primary syllabus exams.





Fuel Efficient Stove:

Shining Bright Minds

Shining Bright Minds now has a new fuel efficient stove where they can cook food and use 60% less wood. We have also installed a new water tank in order to store intermittent municipal water, saving almost 90% compared to the cost of buying jerrycans. We have also installed our school management software solution, which has improved fee collection driving higher revenues.

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Elite Heritage School 

Elite Heritage School now has a new water tank in order to store intermittent municipal water, saving almost 90% compared to the cost of buying jerrycans. Their school management software solution has increased fee collection by more than 25%. and with the extra funds they have invested in a new science lab, complete with chemicals, microscopes, bunsen burners, and other lab equipment. When I visited in Feb 2024 they proudly showed me their recent exam results where they achieved a median score of >400 for the first time.

Water Tanks:

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